Many of us grew up in India to stand witness to coalition governments in states and centre. The greed for power and desire to grab opportunity to remain in power made many strange discordant political bedpartners even to the extent of burying the original names of their party. The Congress became Congress (I) further divided into Congress O and Congress R, Congress I to Indian National Congress (INC) only to be merged in a collection of 21 parties as United Progressive Alliance-1 (UPA-1) and at present UPA-2. In 1977, Bharatiya Jana Sangh (BJS) merged with 13 several left, centre and right parties opposed the rule of the Indian National Congress and formed the Janata Party. Among others the Janata Party also had a clown like Raj Narain just as later UPA had Lalu Prasad Yadav . After the Janata Party split in 1980, it was re-formed as the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in 1980. In 1998, a 42 member-party-NDA was formed with BJP as only party of National stature. Mayawati became...