
Showing posts from October, 2019


I lost my wife just as recent as on 12th October, 2019.  I am trying to get over the loss with stoic resilience. It's human nature to resist  change--particularly  when it comes in the form of adversity or challenge. But this change is unique as death is inevitable and facing such uncomfortable change with resilience helps us not only to survive change, but also learn and grow to stand by those around us who are unable to take the  shock of this painful change. I am the eldest among my brothers and also  brothers and sisters in-law and have an 83 year old mother-in-law and most importantly a motherless son. I am carrying them all to come to terms with this unhappy setback to view it as a great design of god. Death is hidden in all and devours all, everything in the world is in a constant flux and progresses from one state of impermanence to another. Hence death is a reality - a design of god encoded in creation as both cause and effect which become active i...