I attended out of curiosity many majmas  selling taviz - selling false hopes, false dreams, illusions and lies selling through taviz to gullible gathering with their eloquent theatrics - yes only by talking. I saw people -- young and old getting drawn to such majmas holding currency notes in their hands to buy a taviz that would end their problems. I used to be a part of the crowd to see how gullible the people can be! I was never given a taviz on any occasion as I happened to ask the taviz sellers disturbing questions to reason with me. Their own men already planted in the crowd would either politely ask or sometimes even threatened me to leave the place. You have guessed me right as to where I intend to arrive. Our politicians are taviz sellers - eloquent as well as stupid to give us unconvincing lies, diverting us from the main issues and agenda for people's welfare thinking that we all are fools. 
They are getting support from their mesmerized voters for taking so called bold decisions. Such blind following do not allow the people realise that their leader is bold
  • by not punishing Khattar govt and imposing President's rule in Haryana for failing twice to control Jat Reservation and Dera Ram Rahim violence. Still no action has been directed towards confiscating the property to recover the losses from all Haryana ministers like Anil Vij, Rambilas Sharma and many others who have been giving regular attendance at and openly patronizing Ram Rahim Dera for giving and receiving illicit favours.
  • Very bold to form govt in J&K with terrorist PDP.Shamelessly bold not to dare even talk about Article 370 leave aside even thinking of abrogating it!
  • Bold and totally spineless to join hands with ever abusing Nitish Kumar in Bihar.
  • Bold to allow the gau rakshak, love jehad goons to spread communal hatred, murder. Establishing Hindu hegemony in a Hindu majority country may seem like a joke, but that has become the core of cultural nationalism. Incidents which were once deemed stray and didn’t incite much debate, are now gradually becoming so routine that they corner every major issue. Is it simply a coincidence that there has been a rise in incidents of violence against the minorities and weaker sections, or does this indicate a deep rot in socio-political system?
  • Bold to replace the able Vice Chancellors of many universities with RSS men to run RSS agenda in educational institutions to hegemonise diverse, regional and cultural spaces and paint them with a broad Hindu brush.
  • Bold enough to assign  Education Ministry to Smriti Irani whose own education is upto school but lied all about her education. No action was taken against her -- rather allowed her to remove a Nobel Laureate Nalanda University Vice Chancellor Amritya Sen!
  • Bold to allow the personnels of govt departments  to run the RSS’ and BJP’s Hindutva ‘please Modi’ agenda and also allowing the police to be in hand and glove with crime and corruption.
  • Bold to arrogance
  • Bold to avoid the issues related to development and diverting and confusing gullible people to Hindu, janeu and shamelessly what not with guts.
  • Bold to tell lies after lies with guts… Modi has been saying that his govt inherited the burden of NPA from the previous govt and now his govt is wrestling with it to provide relief to the banks. The fact as per CARE’s RATINGS is that compared with March 2015, growth in NPA by March 2017 was 143% - an increase of Rs 600,000 crore in NPA in BJP regime itself. Retail inflation in Nov’17 was at 4.9% rose to a 15 month high. The comparable inflation rate in October was 3.6%. Retail inflation as measured by the consumer price index has risen by nearly 3.5% since June’17. Fall in retail inflation seems unlikely due to the expected hike in petrol prices in the immediate future. Therefore further rise in consumer prices are indicated.
As per the estimate of Asian Development Bank (ADB) there has been decline of 0.3% in GDP growth rate in the current FY. That means the growth rate is expected to be 6.7% instead of 7% in the coming year.Reasons for decline in growth rate have been demonetization, slow pace of development and problems faced due to GST by the business community. Thereby ADB has also revised her prediction for GDP growth rate to 7.3% instead of 7.4% for the next FY 2018 due to rising price of crude oil and slow inflow of investment in industry sector.
Narendra Modi, campaigning for the position of Prime Minister, had said the BJP would create 10 million jobs every year if it comes to power. It will provide one crore jobs which the UPA (United Progressive Alliance) government could not do despite announcing it before the general Lok Sabha election, 2009.
Three years after the BJP came to power in a stunning victory, job creation is at an eight-year low. Citing official data, The Telegraph reported today that 1.55 lakh jobs were created in 2015 and 2.31 lakh in 2016, the lowest levels since the 10 lakh jobs created by the Congress-led UPA government in 2009.
The fact is economic growth is not translating into job creation. One possible reason for jobless growth could be that companies are relying on automation and digital processes. Seven big IT firms, including Infosys, Wipro and Cognizant, are planning to lay off 56,000 engineers this year. Earlier this year, global advisory firm McKinsey & Company said that nearly half of workforce in the IT sector would be redundant in the next three years.
M. Govinda Rao, former member of the Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council, once said that jobless growth "will accelerate as we go along. The IT firms have already started shedding workers.” They are replacing labour-intensive methods with capital as we have failed to skill up our workers to take on new challenges. Assuming 7-8% annual growth, India is likely to add over 80 million new job seekers by 2025. The govt in fact has no vision and realistic plan for job creation and prepare the economy of the country to meet requirement.
Like any govt in India this power hungry govt too has been taking recourse to lies. People need to understand it and react.
A sensible citizen will never accept an one eyed man a ruler in the country where majority is blind.
Country is infact passing through a very risky phase due to irresponsible and impotent opposition. And this arrogant govt knows that and trying to take maximum political gains out of this situation.
This govt has so far not given any display of fair governance with a single focus on development than mud slinging, fanning communal ire and encouraging arrogance.
All economic policies related to GST, FDI, Land Reform, foreign policies etc have been inherited from the previous govt except ineffective and redundant demonetization.
The country has been in dire need for action against corruption for gearing up developmental programmes for education, employment, control on inflation, better law and order situation, women's safety, sorting out problems of farmers so that they should not take recourse to suicide. That is why the people of India gave a thumping mandate to Modi govt. The govt has failed miserably in all fronts so far as one can see if one wishes to.
In such a scenario public awareness may only matter. We need to stand up and question the govt. This is no logic that we should not criticize a leader or a party or a govt thinking there is no replacement or alternative. As a Democrat we must question the govt.
There is limit to hurl lies. It is shameful that a PM of a country telling the world that India achieved nothing in the last 60 years.
It is shameful that the agenda of development is totally forgotten by bringing in the controversy who is Hindu who is not.
It is also shameful on the part of opposition to counter the allegations than exposing the attempts of BJP to divert the voter from their main party agenda for development.
It is shameful to see our politicians are slithering in the pond of mud seeking the favour of voters to pull them out to seat them on a position they do not deserve.
It is shameful to see how the politicians are hell bent for a communal divide.
It is so shameful to encourage such acts as putting all energy to trace the genesis of faith one practices as a citizen of India.
It is shameful that next this govt has Mathura in their target to create another Ayodhya- like- situation.
Truly speaking nationalism for RSS is a farce and so is for BJP. RSS never hoisted our national flag in their headquarters until 2002 since independence because they have been directed to do so by their first two chiefs -  Hedgewar and Golwalkar. They demanded that the saffron flag be chosen to be the flag of the Independent India.  RSS has hardly participated in any freedom fighting movements of India.
We may have voted BJP with a choice but we must hold the govt for non-action. The party that made tall claims to bring the corrupt to books failed to file a single FIR /  charge sheet. Nothing has come out of  Vyapam Scam, Lalit Modi-Vijaya Raje Scindhia Nexus Scam, Robert Vadra and DLF land scam. Achieved nothing on black money and corruption so far. Rather the govt is systematically diverting the issues of development and nation building with communal controversies, polarization, opportunism, ducking the issues by recalling the past resulting in total inertia, non performance due to blame game. Blame game has become the best practice of the govt to divert and confuse the nation. Now we have one big choice -  to express our dissent. If we have elected the party to form govt it is our moral right to dissent where the govt is going wrong, luring us with lollipops, just talking, diverting, subverting and confusing the voters with non issues that in any way may not do any good to the nation. Exercise the choice to question the govt. Voice of dissent is the need of the day to quell arrogance. Let's ask for  results to gauge their performance in the area of corruption, guaranteed employment, public housing, health, education, social security, law and order, women's security and rapid dispensation of public grievances. The govt has yet to get down to the basics. Corruption looted us for 60 years and now LOTUS should not LOOTUS further.
It is time to unite to challenge than taking all rubbish thrown on us. Let us cease to be a dustbin and rise up to reason with the govt which has stooped down to a level of dust gatherers and street jugglers luring us to stake on cards already tricked to make us lose.


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