The lies manufactured at troll stations in India and by NRI bhagats dished out through social media as Modi propaganda have sizably blinded many. Country is passing through an acute economic slow down. No body is bothered. There was complete unpreparedness to fight coronavirus. No body will talk. It concerns none that the government wasted more than two months as it was engaged in Hindu Muslim hate war of speeches to accelerate tension, insecurity and riots. It matters nothing that the interest and concentration of the government have been to topple state assembly and highjack and buy the legislators to usurp power. Lust for power in state assembly were far more supreme in the wish list of the ruling BJP than promptly dealing with the pandemic. To make the matter worse around 1500 Tabhligi Jamat followers which also included foregners entered the Nizamuddin Markaz on 13 and 15th March, 2020. Who allowed them to enter the Delhi Markaz in such a large number and how they coul...