Candle Mightier than Sarkari Bandobast to Fight Coronavirus….

The nation is getting restless as she is inching towards the moment now to switch off their lights at 9 pm for 9 minutes. To show our solidarity I will also do what our PM has appealed us to do. 

The point is there is no doubt about our unity. The country is not lacking on unity. It is due to our unity we won freedom; it is due to our unity we are running a successful democracy and; it is due to our unity our country is maintaining her unique identity in the world. We are one, we are secular. We value what is human and we reject that is inhuman. We love creation in all forms without discrimination. We love inclusiveness. This is the concept of Indian spirituality. The nation cannot be destroyed and harmed if there is an atmosphere of peaceful coexistence of all communities. And thus unity is not possible if the nation is lashed day in and out with communal and divisive politics, minorities served with insults at slightest opportunity and the poor or lower castes are discriminated by the feudal minded, power wielding upper cast to exert their dominance on the weak and denied lots. But still we are united. It is in our culture to keep tickling the feet of those who kept us under as their bhagats.

Our PM Modi and so the vast majority of ecstatic Modi followers know what I am saying. Let me explain further the contradictions around us.

What is the need of the hour we are in due to the coronavirus outbreak? Today we are terrified with the killer virus. The whole nation is in a state of fear and insecurity. We need test kits, medicine, hospital, beds, ventilators, safety kits for doctors, nurses and the medical team. It is a time to discuss with nation on these crisis areas what the government has planned to fight out with time fame in mind to deal with instead of engaging the people to light candle after switching off electric light. 

Mr Modi is kidding with us. He is again diverting the nation from the real issues. In the hour of crisis Modi is still trying to establish his ways of dominance through blind followers "Modi is India, India is Modi". Otherwise how lighting of candle will fight coronavirus I am unable to fathom.

There has been a mass exodus of  panicked daily wagers and labourers. There was no advisories from the government to keep the labourers informed at punchayat level, arrange food, money, transportation for them in rural, semi urban and urban area. 

On 19th March Modi appeared before us for self isolation through Janata Curfew. On 24th March he appeared to message lock-down. Today he appeals to light candle to show our solidarity.

So do not question Modi. India will win war against Coronavirus by lighting candles. Wish that should be. I have box full of them. I will light all to see coronavirus meets her Waterloo in India. So funny, so childish.


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