Often Troll Is An attempt At Damage Control

Be proud to be governed by your own mind. This way troll university will never be able to teach you through RSS or BJP or any party syllabus. 

ह troll उन्ही द्वारा प्रचारित और भक्तों द्वारा वितरित सामग्रही है जो RSS के शाखा में भारत को गोडसे का देशभक्ति वाला देश बनाने की कसम खाते है और विदेशों में जाकर गांधी के बूत और चित्र पर माला चढ़ाते हैं। India has not lost people with a mind of exceptional logic that always keeps alive a sensitive heart. Still there are many.

There is no denying the fact that forwards posted and transported are to guard a shameless liar, even insensitive to massive Covid infection and deaths!!!! How even the educated ones can be so inhuman not to question this death dealer is beyond comprehension!!!! After hundreds of thousands deaths, fire fighting started. 

It is sheer heartlessness to draw satisfaction that our inhuman government is still praised for pushing hundreds of thousands into the devastating second COVID wave and even worse "into the jaws of death". The media reporting the facts were called vultures Modi was surrounded with.  

Were India's courts also "vultures" that have stepped in to address the government's unpreparedness of handling the crisis? Multiple "vulture" courts all over the country have issued orders in the face of a shortage of oxygen and vital medication!!

How can one forget the country's "vulturous" judiciary had taken a collective step towards holding national and state governments to account for their woeful response to the COVID pandemic!!!

The Supreme Court intervened to direct Prime Minister Modi's government to complete an audit of the system and develop a universal vaccine policy. It also strongly asked the government to come up with a plan of action to ensure more oxygen supply to Delhi. The Delhi High Court said. "We cannot let people die like this."

And still the trolls are doing the rounds to hail Modi as Modi was not given any importance by the US in his recent visit. Obviously trolls are manufactured with fake pictures of Modi and fake headlines in praise of Modi donning the front page of New York Times and it is the NYT and not our PMO or Press Bureau provides clarification that it is all fake.  Such a troll is an attempt at damage control for the cold response of the US to Modi.

Lack of vigilance and preparedness made Modi and his chamchas apathetic to suffering millions not hidden from the world. Be human Mr Troll Manufacturer, be sensitive, accept failure of government. Modi never visited any hospital to feel the miseries of those who lost their loved ones. He never spoke out for those lying outside the hospital in scorching heat. He never spoke out for those who died in his neighborhood Delhi hospitals -- 22 deaths in Jaipur Golden Hospital, 14 deaths in Saroj Hospital, 28 deaths in Batra Hospital. Leave aside the nationwide figures.

Vultures feed on the dead. Those left with conscience were reporting the horrible state of affairs from ground zero and could not be vultures.

The bhagats want us to forget and remain quiet as the insensitive government and Modi had been for the daily wage labourers who walked even upto 1000s of Kilometer to reach their homes facing misery and pain during the lockdown. How can you be so inhuman to want us to forget? How can you be so inhuman to want us to forget daily wagers who in millions were thrown out of job due to the closure and shut down of manufacturing units of the informal sector in 100's of thousand? How can you be so inhuman to want us to forget the government that has killed our robust economy after inheriting it in 2014? It is the duty of right minded citizens like us to direct our energies to educate the nation that assets, government enterprises, Navratna Companies and the PUCs built during the last 70 years now inherited by the present government are on sale. Today the ruling government can afford to spend money on the whole redevelopment of Central Vista projects, new PM House, Office, PM's aircraft, full cavalcade of expensive limousines and all luxuries for चाय बेच कर PM बनने वाला जो आज देश बेच रहा है are possible only due to the inherited robust economy. So I question what the government has done to generate income? None. This government is a massive parasite, a borrower and thereby splurging as mindless spender. Take it from me, we have been put at risk of losing our hard earned money deposited in banks. The banks are stressed and in tremendous pressure. Note it down, you will remember it very soon.

The troll gang still wants us to forget the failures of the government which behaved like a lord of chaos and misrule. The troll gang still wants us to ignore the fact that the government has sold herself to the big corporate business houses. The troll gang still wants us to trust the lapdog media houses which are the mouthpiece of the government and pampered equally by her inhuman and insensitive blind followers.

In a democracy a mandate once every five years is not to be interpreted as an unbridled license to make the government an inscrutable black box for next five years. If earlier governments did not do it, that is no excuse for not doing it now.

The role of aware citizens becomes all the more important to leave a record of the time -- to write a first draft of history inspite of the threats of being charged with sedition or called anti national, traitor, Pakistani, Khalistani, urban naxal etc.. Let poetic justice be initiated by the coming generation after reading and analysing such documented events.


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