My friends keep sending statement - "today we are in far better state than before". This is what I intend to convey - better come up with facts to counter my stand. Did Modi not know before the fractured legacy he was going to inherit? Why he made time bound promises on employment, corruption, farmer's problem, law and order, women's safety and planning for the poor? The point is that the tight editorials do not address the problems of common man at the hands of the govt in power. That is why my posts are explanatory and comprehensive with data and not mere statements. Bank scams were allowed to go on as ever till the scamsters ran away leaving the country. How the govt could write off NPAs of banks worth ₹ 84,000 crore in 2017 itself without scanning, reviewing and investigating the background of the borrowers repeatedly getting their loans re-structured? One cannot obliterate the fact that  the hands of the political parties on the head of defaulters have always been there. Be it any govt. Banks were under constant pressure to oblige the defaulters. Be it any govt. Good you have reacted to my post. Let it be known that middle class and the poor are the worst sufferers. So far nothing has been done for the poor. They are there where they were. The middle class is the victim of surrendering subsidies, bearing inflation and the correction on tax loads and costlier EMIs. The rich are getting richer. This is the dynamics of our country today.
Now precisely we wouldn't have had our say had Modi given the nation a realistic picture of time frame to tide over the problems the country is facing. But he posed himself to be a miracle man and claimed to give results in 100 days, one year....So on and so forth.  The list is long. Precisely elections are won on false assumption and thereby false promises. Realistic targeted agenda for first five years was not at all set to start with the problems of
1. poor,
2. inflation,
3. employment,
4. farmer,
5. corruption and law and order.
I have already bared my statistics based on authentic data source in my earlier blogs. Please share if you have better data on the above 5 issues.


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