Many of my friends got offended when I pleaded them to be specific to counter my observations. I am unable to fathom as to why references are made time and again to the earlier govt to justify the action of the present govt. What you mean to convey? Does the present govt has the licence to re-package their promises? Whatever is the state of affair in any state with non-BJP govt the people will decide in their mandate whom to retain or whom to oust. The right thinking stable mind will always question the performance quotient of the govt in power as we are at the receiving end. A leader may have vision but if he fails to perform or deliver he will be questioned. That doesn't mean we are anti Modi or anti party in power. Modi is not only the PM of India but also my PM. It is our duty to show him the mirror by raising our justified dissent. Today everybody is looking at Modi for what he had promised and what has been delivered so far. Neither he nor his party nor his party followers should feel offended when people like us question with facts even after disclosing the source of data his quality of deliverance. So far no one who has read me has come forward to confront me straight to counter my stand on the issues of
A. Corruption : "na khaunga na khane dunga". Good slogan. Fantastic vision. Country needed it for long. Even I fell for it. Rest what happened my blogs answered all. The menace of corruption going on for the past 6 decades is carried forward today. Lokpal Bill has been thrown into the dustbin. The conspicuous flood of money power is seen in the election campaigns. Bank scam going on since 2011 carried forward till the defaulters ran away inspite of the complaint made by RBI and Chandigarh govt to finance ministry. We trusted Modi on 2G, 3G and 4G scam on the basis of which he won the 2014 election with thumping majority. Today we have been made fool of by doctoring the chargesheet as many prominent big sharks who financed BJP to power may be exposed and the court declared no one guilty.
B. Jobs : Pathetic state of affair in railways, bank, state police, state selection commissions. Candidates selected for jobs have been denied selection. Moreover repackaging of jobs proposed for creating 70,000 jobs after 3 years in power.
C. Farmers' MSP repackaged.
D. Inflation not controlled. Petrol and liquor not brought under the ambit of GST. Again to benefit the big business houses cannot be ruled out.
E. Ease of living for the poor -- a distant and invisible goal
F. Poor Control on Law & Order situation - Haryana, Rajasthan, UP apart from communal unrest, love jehad, cow politics, Padmavati issue, the militant Karni Sena, Bajrang Dal, Yuva Vahini Sena - and the govt is tolerating their disrespect to Constitution!!!
G. No improvement on Women's Safety.
H. Small business enterprises, SMEs & MSMEs are struggling for their existence. Retrenchment led to go many workers jobless.
I. FDI : Foreign investments have not come as expected. Our country is still lacking too much on ease of doing business.
J. Cross border terrorism and attack on our defence base and armed forces have increased considerably.
In short to hell with Kamala Hasan, Rahul Gandhi, Kejriwal or Rajnikanth. I am not a politician. I do not go and see what others are doing and hence support that this govt has the right to overlook our expectations. Politicians want to confuse us through their blame game and shelve the issues. I cannot be fooled. I will speak, question and debate to frustrate those who dare to dictate. One thing is for sure that performance criteria is not always the deciding factor for the change of government in our country. Mamata and Nitish are classic examples. I have yet to see what Modi saw in Nitish and Mahbooba Mufti. Electoral performances more often than not are the result of enticing the voter to the promises. Even I was tricked and lured. I also fell prey to false promises - one such promise has been "na khaunga na khane dunga". Other promises followed suit and not fulfilled till now. It is a govt of U-Turns offering re-packagings of her promises. I have already explained in details in my earlier blogs.
A. Corruption : "na khaunga na khane dunga". Good slogan. Fantastic vision. Country needed it for long. Even I fell for it. Rest what happened my blogs answered all. The menace of corruption going on for the past 6 decades is carried forward today. Lokpal Bill has been thrown into the dustbin. The conspicuous flood of money power is seen in the election campaigns. Bank scam going on since 2011 carried forward till the defaulters ran away inspite of the complaint made by RBI and Chandigarh govt to finance ministry. We trusted Modi on 2G, 3G and 4G scam on the basis of which he won the 2014 election with thumping majority. Today we have been made fool of by doctoring the chargesheet as many prominent big sharks who financed BJP to power may be exposed and the court declared no one guilty.
B. Jobs : Pathetic state of affair in railways, bank, state police, state selection commissions. Candidates selected for jobs have been denied selection. Moreover repackaging of jobs proposed for creating 70,000 jobs after 3 years in power.
C. Farmers' MSP repackaged.
D. Inflation not controlled. Petrol and liquor not brought under the ambit of GST. Again to benefit the big business houses cannot be ruled out.
E. Ease of living for the poor -- a distant and invisible goal
F. Poor Control on Law & Order situation - Haryana, Rajasthan, UP apart from communal unrest, love jehad, cow politics, Padmavati issue, the militant Karni Sena, Bajrang Dal, Yuva Vahini Sena - and the govt is tolerating their disrespect to Constitution!!!
G. No improvement on Women's Safety.
H. Small business enterprises, SMEs & MSMEs are struggling for their existence. Retrenchment led to go many workers jobless.
I. FDI : Foreign investments have not come as expected. Our country is still lacking too much on ease of doing business.
J. Cross border terrorism and attack on our defence base and armed forces have increased considerably.
In short to hell with Kamala Hasan, Rahul Gandhi, Kejriwal or Rajnikanth. I am not a politician. I do not go and see what others are doing and hence support that this govt has the right to overlook our expectations. Politicians want to confuse us through their blame game and shelve the issues. I cannot be fooled. I will speak, question and debate to frustrate those who dare to dictate. One thing is for sure that performance criteria is not always the deciding factor for the change of government in our country. Mamata and Nitish are classic examples. I have yet to see what Modi saw in Nitish and Mahbooba Mufti. Electoral performances more often than not are the result of enticing the voter to the promises. Even I was tricked and lured. I also fell prey to false promises - one such promise has been "na khaunga na khane dunga". Other promises followed suit and not fulfilled till now. It is a govt of U-Turns offering re-packagings of her promises. I have already explained in details in my earlier blogs.
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