I wonder if the present government would have shown same enthusiasm and acted with same zeal and swiftness to insert amendment in name if Dr Ambedkar's father's name would have been other than Ramji!!!! I am not biased. I am critical. I do not look into the past to draw solace in present. Wrong is wrong whether of past or in present. But we must learn to look forward and cease weeping on what happened in the past than direct our awareness and energy to get best in present by not allowing and corrupting our rational sense get overpowered by our sentimental leanings to make us weak and accommodative. It is slavery. The people in power take advantage of this blind following emanating from sentimentality. Time and again I have been saying that today politics is no less than a business. Then why shouldn't we also be business like and monitor their actions and press them to perform with our intelligent dissent. Like it or not our blind following makes the government in power arrogant, intimidatory and divert us from main agenda of development and welfare -- and evasive too to keep us engaged in communal debates. And if such sentimental lots blind to the misdeeds of the government overgrow in size the government becomes deaf to criticisms proportionately very very small in size. A very bad sign in democracy. So now swallow it down that we may be small in number but people like us cannot be biased. We are the whistle blowers in our own right. Mahatma Gandhi’s stature overshot beyond Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi to be known as Gandhi so has been of Dr Ambedkar, Tagore, Nazrul, Agyeya (Sachchidananda Hirananda Vatsyayan) or Muktibodh (Gajanan Madhav Muktibodh). Great men are known by their short or pen names -- Tolstoy, Shakespeare, Renu, Mark Twain. Objection is very simple.  It is so funny to swallow that the government is so concerned to redo wherever possible to insert Ramji as if Dr Ambedkar’s many of the inheritances shall go unclaimed due to legal slip in his sentence like name. Wah Ramji! Are you also allowing these frenzied lots to conduct armed procession on your birthday? Is this the way to celebrate your birthday? Do you think they are serious with their faith in you? And religion? Do you subscribe intimidation and killing of people on your birthday? I used to keep fast. Now I cannot due to health reason. But then I do not join the arms wielding procession, shouting fire and commanding vandalism. Ramji, our country is burning in the name of Ram Navami. We have yet to see where else this government intends to insert you Ramji to besmear your pious name and deeds.


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