Independence Day Controversy

As the election 2019 is approaching near the BJP and some power licking media are on their way to confuse the nation with self cooked controversies to divert the people from the promised issues. It seems Sudhir Choudhary of Zee News is either under the spell of opium or his blind docility to  Subhash Chandra that has forced him to use, abuse and misuse his journalistic scholarship. However Ramdev has gone mum these days - not talking much about Modi. It is expected very soon Subhash Chandra will follow suit and instruct his media team to cease to be power sycophants.
Does the BJP led govt has the guts to initiate a tirade against Mahatma Gandhi to condemn his association in the so called "game plan" of holding Congress to overshoot Netaji? BJP cannot because the Massolinized RSS led BJP is an anti democracy party which never took part in indian freedom movement, spied for the British government, opposed Quit India Movement and begged mercy for their life to be spared from torture or putting to gallows. In the absence of Netaji somebody had to hold the reins. Let RSS BJP speak out that Mahatma Gandhi masterminded Netaji's obliteration to push the Congress up in the ladder of freedom movement of India. Believe it or not in the back of their mind BJP has all blood against Gandhi as much they have for Nehru. BJP will not acknowledge now as they have yet to milk the Gandhi cow. The fact remains that no body had the courage to play tricks under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi who spearheaded the freedom movement of India. Allow me to say that we were taught right history in school. Nothing was hidden in our syllabus. Yes yes yes, we were rightly taught that Pandit Nehru was the 1st PM of independent India. And india got freedom in 15th August, 1947. Nothing wrong was taught to us. We were also taught about Netaji and his contribution towards India's freedom movement. Infact RSS-BJS-BJP has never been a part of freedom movement and patriotic Indian history. When the entire nation was fighting for freedom RSS was colluding with HMS to divide the nation on bloody hindutva fanaticism.
What I want to drive at is that there were various streams of freedom movements converging upon and thereby pressurised the British for freedom and sadly RSS-HMS was not part of it. So the BJP should keep shut and should not try to misguide the nation by stooping down so low for vote politics.


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