Enough is enough. India did a commendable job by attacking the terrorist training hub of Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) group in Balakot. Indian Air Force deserve this special appreciation the whole country showering on her for performing the task with utmost precision to strike the target without causing harm to civilians and local residents. This proves it was not a military action for waging war against Pakistan but to eliminate about 300 terrorists of a JeM group which owned the responsibility for Pulwama suicide attack on CRPF convoy killing 40 personnels.

The government also deserves all praise for showing her political will to give free hand to Indian armed force. The government and our PM Modi in particular also deserve all praise for his political will and determination to retaliate and punish the terrorist. Mr Modi showed his controlled reaction after the attack so has been his team in the government displayed great amount of restrain for not politicising the military action so far also deserve our praise. This means they are capable of doing so on other issue too, which they choose not to follow to achieve their own political ends. But this time it has been for sure the government has been humble and suave, met the opposition parties to inform about the action in detail before addressing the press conference. Even the opposition also commended the splendid job of the government.

India chose the biggest training facility of Jaish-e-Mohammad in Pakistan’s Balakot for the last Tuesday’s Indian Air Force strikes because the Pulwama suicide attack mastermind, Abdul Rasheed Ghazi was a trainer there, and top Jaish commanders were suspected to be there, officials privy to the strikes said.

Hence the country has witnessed a splendid decision and equally a great political will of the government to destroy Balakot facility that provided basic and advanced training to terrorists for using advanced weapons, explosives, tactics for attacking military convoys and planting IEDs.

It is very important to take right decision for the right cause at the right time for deserved acton. This is the reason the whole nation is overwhelmed and in an ecstatic mood of celebration because the government reached a point to take decision than talking. The armed forces are also feeling energized and are in high morale due to the government's decision to give them free hand.

In Uri and Pathankot incidents the army and the people were unhappy due to government's lack of action. We even allowed Pakistani officials and ISI to visit Pathankot in our investigation. Why???

To safeguard our interest for our commitment to a positive cause for universal good It is better not to compromise with our decision making capacity as per ongoing international diplomacy than influence and mould international diplomacy by our pious decisions. Today China commented that India and Pakistan must observe restraint and avoid to create war like situation in South Asia. But China was quiet in Pulwama suicide attack!!! China remains quiet when matter of terrorist attack is taken up in UN. The same China stops UN not declare Masood Azhar a terrorist after attack in Uri and Pathankot in India. It was all because we did not take our firm decision to initiate action. And even China was also on a defensive mode like she did during Kargil retaliation by India. Today the whole nation is jubilant because the government not only took a firm decision but also implemented it. The government deserves our congratulations.

Enough is enough. Inviting Pakistan to understand the language for talks is of no use as Pakistan has always been in a denial mode. It is a fact that Pakistan has not only been a breeding ground for but also a provider of a place for sheltering terrorists. India has been a worst sufferer ever since 1988 due to one after another terrorist attack planned in Pakistan. The terrorists enter India to strike terror attacks and go back for shelter in Pakistan. Masood Azhar was arrested by India in 1995 because he was a terrorist. In 1999, an Indian Airlines Flight 814 (IC814) en route from Kathmandu in Nepal to New Delhi was hijacked for his release. The hijacking was planned by his brother Abdul Rauf Asghar.  Another brother of Masood Azhar, Ibrahim Athar led the hijackers for action. The plane was taken to Kandahar, Afghanistan.

Azhar was freed by the Indian government in a decision criticised by many including Ajit Doval as a "diplomatic failure". Once Masood Azhar was handed over to the hijackers, they fled to Pakistani territory.

The question is whom to talk in Pakistan divided into the political leaders, the army or the ISI as political leaders are just puppets in the hands of army? Direct retaliation against terrorist for defence is the most plausible action against the offence in the existing scenario.

India's action in Balakot has further exposed Pakistan's complicity in Pulwama attack. India's Balakot action has given a depressive message to the Politics, the institution and the army of Pakistan. Today Pakistan is not in a position to avenge Balakot for the fear of indirectly accepting her mistake. Moreover the drained out economy of Pakistan will make her think many times for a military action.

Now the Indian government has to take further her political will to a new level for action against Pakistan than diplomatic efforts for mobilizing international opinion for isolating Pakistan. We have done enough. Now we will set our own policy to punish and destroy terror groups and thereby mould international diplomacy to our favour. It is time to convey the world that India will take action against terrorism as India has proved its stand that Pakistan is a terrorist State allowing terrorist to grow and prosper under its shelter. Even China also doesn't want such a situation in South Asia. India has to now rise above the situation of wait and watch and initiate action necessary against terrorism. This kind of political will shall be enough to enhance the morale of our most disciplined army, as army will emerge out of a situation for accepting deaths due to democratic set up negotiating for isolating Pakistan through international diplomacy than direct action against the terrorist.

Ironically India repeated the US action at Abbottabad in Pakistan to eliminate Bin Laden. Balakot is about 60 km from Abbottabad. India has given a message to the world that now is the time India shouldn't be looked as soft democratic country. Even if we are soft it is because we are considerate but it is time to convey the world that our softness should not be misconstrued as our weakness. It is time for taking hard decision - for enough is enough.


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