It is a matter of shame and pity that people and some political parties and their ideological outfits support the murder of Mahatma Gandhi still today. Supporting murder of Mahatma Gandhi is an expression of diseased thinking. On one hand the government is running nation wide Gandhiji’s cleanliness drive (swachhta Abhiyan) and on the other hand the government is standing with those who are providing logic for murder and cleaning off Gandhi. In other words the message is very clear that unlawful acts like murder is logical if anyone in our society do not subscribe to a particular ideology. Is this the logic of a civilized society? Are we grooming the new generation to grow as barbaric lot? What message we are conveying to young generation? Many of us may not have seen the cruel murder of Mahatma Gandhi but the crudity of heartless enactment of his murder by Pooja Shakun Pandey with the people around her in saffron was seen in the video that went viral in social media conspicuously subscribe to their deep elation for their ideology.

Beware this ideology is sure to groom our children into murderers. First the propagators of such ideology will teach our children to keep quiet and remain non-reactive and then entreat support for such murderous ideology, training them in drill practice to murder later anyone not subscribing to their ideology. This face of our society is a sure cause of worry.

Gandhi did face insults even when he was alive. He was stoned and his house was burnt. The great paradox is this that those who support murder of Gandhi bend their knees on the day of Gandhi Jayanti -- may be out of compulsion. It cannot be out of willing heart to be on knees for sure, otherwise they will never allow to celebrate martyr's day as Shaurya Divas to pay tribute to Gandhi's assassin Godse.

The nation wonders as to how many times an unarmed, lean and thin old man will be murdered! And then such anti socials are found rubbing shoulders with important RSS and BJP personalities in major functions without any qualm of regret and hesitation. From where they get such audacity? Obviously such anti socials are accepted lots of RSS and BJP.

Society and politics need to probe and dig the factories of sick ideology for supporting murder of Gandhi. The way Ms Pandey stands absconded shows no police officer has the guts to arrest her and initiate probe into the factory manufacturing such lethal ideology. Hence they shouldn't deal with a task not qualified for and which is not in their might to lay their hands on!  Even Gandhi would have pardoned his murderer had he been alive! There are many like Pooja Shakun Pandey moving scot-free as they have the support of those in high constitutional and legislative positions. In such situation how the police is going to round them off. Good that such elements have not been called anti social, terrorists, traitors and anti national!! It seems the certificates certifying anyone a terrorist, an anti national or a traitor have been exhausted before 30th January, 2019.

The fact is the supporters of Gandhi's murder are alive, safe and honorable lots as they are never called traitors and anti nationals. Politics in India has become weak and timid, lurking under fear to display guts to fight for just cause. Gandhiji always trusted the power of reason in and self conscience of people in India. Our leaders on the contrary attacked the conscience of man to obliterate Gandhi. Gandhi is murdered even today and we are unable to protect him.


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