India will go to polls from 2nd week of next month. We have seen Modi government has been no different than the ones we had so far. It came to power with massive mandate because Modi in his election 2014 campaigns displayed in him to have emerged as a leader to voice people’s anger against tainted politics, corrupt system, frustrating Congress culture, disillusionment of youth, hapless condition of women, hopelessness among farmers and pitiable conditions of the poor. On the contrary the nation witnessed the erosion of their dreams with the passage of time.

This time the ruling party has no face to show further dreams to the nation as the possibilities of opportunities have failed to open up to churn policies with new approaches. So the loud claims, whatsoever, made and said unfolded the intention to play with the emotions of the people that ensued series of U-turn and also shelving the promised issues. Incidents of unaddressed dalit atrocities, premium universities of the country getting lost in sloganeering, bungling in employment and State Service Commissions (SSC) for not offering jobs inspite of job letters issued, students taking to the streets, shattered hopes of farmers resulted in increase in suicides or coming out in groups for agitation than farming -- have been some of the major highlights of public apathy. But all of them are the citizen of India. Is it the fault of citizens to have expectation from the government or is it the government which chose the wrong way to drive the nation?

It is a subject of debate if this is the time for action and vote for the lesser evil. To compromise is to encourage and allow complacency. Then why should we have election rallies and listen to the crap and not react? Ruling party already had 5 years to beat her drum, abuse those who do not subscribe to her ideology and policies, intimidated the media houses so as not to allow them to ask uneasy questions that may expose the government and rewarded those who lick it's feet. "अच्छे दिन" has not come that is why sloganeering changes to "मैं चौकिदार हूँ". Whereas corollary  to अच्छे दिन nation expected slogan in this election 2019 "अब बहुत अच्छे दिन आएंगे". But that was not so to be as the party realised the reality of “अच्छे दिन आएंगे" will not work in this election. Hence a new slogan has been devised to give a new dose of illusive dream. So then what is the big deal? To choose a better evil? Well it is a matter of debate as I have already said. Or to vote a person with character irrespective of party? Or press NOTA (None Of The Above) button? Democratically sanctioned options are available for a self respecting democrat if he wishes to avenge the insult of being cheated with false promises and blatant lies. Hence let’s choose the options to punish the talking Tom than being “pragmatic” to choose a better evil.

Government is in harness and the country has to go on polls. Our stand should be very clear. This government needs a jolt as the power mania has gone into its head. Mr Modi continues to tweets with those bhagats who are constantly using abusive language against non-bhagats and not even once the abusive tweeter is condemned by Modi, but he will never reply Dr Mukherjee reminding him of the promises he made, reminding him of the situation the marginalised are still into, reminding him his lies, reminding him of increase in crime rate, reminding him of increased violence against women, reminding him of corruption, black money, unfulfilled targets set by him and also whatsoever I write in my blog posted to Modi. He never answered. Never. The greatest service to democracy is not to allow the government to be complacent. And we have the options -- to vote a character or press NOTA instead of compromising with a lesser evil. All right thinking democrats wish to give a shock treatment to the erring government and this is the need of the hour to humble them to maintain a certain level of sobriety.

However we are a thinking lots. How can we remain non reactive because the country is going to polls? How can we remain non reactive when the government is still functional? Are we so helpless that we have to make a willing choice for a lesser evil? The political parties are aware of it. That is why they will not mend their ways. So the best would be to vote a person than party or press NOTA in the absence of a right person and thus deny the political parties of clear mandate so that they may perish with natural death. Let them know for sure that for clear mandate they will have to translate their promises into action.

Dear friends, I simply laid the facts bare. It is not my intention to influence your choice or persuade you to whom you should vote. Vote you must. Exercise your discretion. Exercise your choice. Vote you must.


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