Nowhere in the election campaigns model code of conduct so blatantly violated as has been in general election 2019. Development, jobs, agrarian issues, corruption, "achche din", Ram Mandir solutions have not reflected in the speeches than rhetorics on Indian army, Pulwama attack and politics on Pulwama martyrs to attempt at attracting sympathy votes. The nation is witnessing much of mud splashing than baring the intentions of the political parties to take the nation forward with well thought out development policy.

It is disheartening to see the way a country's Prime Minister Narendra Modi, also a hindu chauvinist, getting down so low in 2019 general election campaign. The way he is violating Model Code of Conduct as if there is clear stand off instructions to Election Commission not to touch the PM at all.If Ms Mamata Banerjee is guilty of misusing state machinery in election that doesn't mean Modi should use the language of gunda mawali to announce openly of horse trading like statement of a daring don “40 TMC MPs are in touch with me”. In hypocrisy one can stoop down to such a shameless level that even a PM claiming loud of his honesty can also be so much power hungry and undignified. Has the nation been opiated so deep as not to question the source of money lavishly being splurged in grand campaigns and justify use of foul language by pointing out the ones used by other political parties? The same is practiced by the entire team Modi.

Government machinery is misused in similar way as it used to be in Congress or UPA era. And then the PM talks of corruption free India. May be he wants to drive the point that this “chaiwala” is unwilling to add sophistry to his street brand actions.

This kind of raw and crude outlook is encouraging many to post or forward trolls enough to book them for sedition. Read the one below I received this afternoon

“It may not be more insulting to the nation than the facts narrated in post independent history of India as it follows here below.

“We earned our independence through ‘non-violent movement’ lead by M K Gandhi…..the man, who used to sleep naked with at least two women/young girls throughout his life depriving his own wife, be called a mahatma / father of the nation".

I am unable to lay my hands on a history book which documented Mahatma Gandhi in such a dirty and mischievous colour.

I have read alot on Gandhi, of course, starting with "My experiment with Truth". All writers were of one view that he was a great votary of abstinence and self control and thereby experimented the same on his own self. The latest book I read I remember was written by a British historian Jad Adams. But Adams did maintain through out that Gandhiji's sex experiment was a self guided attempt at control and abstinence. Well I have no issue of how one experiments with a natural physical phenomenon of sex even if one is a saint or a Mahatma. And Gandhi was neither a saint nor a Mahatma in a pure spiritual sense. Of course he was an extraordinary human being for upholding and experimenting with truth very honestly. He was a humanist of a high order. That is why Rabindranath Tagore called him a Mahatma as any amount of better poetic expression would have been insufficient for a person who was not only a believer but also practicer of truth and also dared to share his experiments with truth. That makes him great.

Overstretching with gossip material to downsize a person with attacking and condemning troll material produced by ill qualified team of sick minded trollers is a pure case of sedition with intentions malafide. His assassination tribe is slowly inching towards building a hate narrative around Gandhi. That is our problem.
I wonder how the troll station service providers arrived at a conclusion in the event of destroyed documents on Gandhi's sexual escapedes to mud smear him. That is our problem.

What a paradox! RSS-BJP  has nothing to prove than their petty and nonsense thinking as they are yet milking Mahatma Gandhi to earn their political bread and butter. That is the gift of democracy and freedom our country is enjoying to abuse and insult anyone,  that even the Mussolinised RSS-BJP is afraid to condemn Mahatma Gandhi but at the same time doing so by proxy through Bhagats. The party is still passing through the frustration phase of inferiority complex as it were because it doesn't have the background to have participated in Indian freedom movement and talk of their history of intellectual heritage than to sign mercy documents, spy for the British, boycott Non-cooperation and Quit India movements and at the top of it disowned National Tricolour Flag after independence for more than 5 decades. Their sole intention has been to divide the nation to promote hindutva agenda through their communal mentor Hindu Mahasabha. They have no history of nationalistic background. They know it very well. The whole nation is witness to the fact that one shouts to claim something which one never ever had been a part of. This disgruntled, frustrated lot had a golden opportunity after 2014 roaring election success to establish their credibility by going for one nation one law than fanning communal ire.


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