On 19th March PM Modi appeared on TV for the nation wide appeal to the people for self isolation through self imposed Janata Curfew to fight against Coronavirus. He just messaged the nation on the importance of minimal human contact. 

A week  later he appeared again on 24th March to declare complete countrywide lockdown for 21 days so as to attempt at breaking the chain of spread out of the killing virus.

India is not at all prepared to deal with the killing pandemic even till now. PM Modi has left the nation at limbo, still at the stage of Task Force discussions and some hurried and firefighting preparations. 

While other countries have taken steps to wrestle with Coronavirus outbreak long back since December-January, the government in India spent the whole of January and February in its pursuit of a Hindu Muslim hate-filled agenda rather than a health concerned one.

But we as citizens did our bit to protect us. Most of our residential managements in Rohini, Delhi have pasted notices and ensured that all residents have granted paid leave to all domestic helps and safai karamcharies. Delivery of newspaper, milk, grocery, mail, courier items, bills, etc are made at the entry gate in guard rooms of apartments. No online food supplies are to be allowed. Containers for dumping garbage have been placed outside apartments at appointed places to be collected by the Municipality  vehicles. Mandatory Manzilon sanitizers spray and hand rubs are used by guests and residents before crossing the guard room at entry gate to make their access to the apartments.

Well our country may not be economically so well-off like the developed countries to liberally fund to fight back with the terror disease. But we expect Modi to announce the relief packages/ monetary allowances to the poor, daily wage workers, jobless due to factory/office shut down, tax concessions even in a limited way to the old, sick and just lost employment --all what the nation is capable to bear as financial burden and as per the economic condition of India must be done to fight back the effects of coronavirus devil.

The nation knows the idea of clapping, beating plates, clanging of utensils, conch blowing given by Modi were followed blindly by the bhagats hardly knowing that the  essential personal protective equipment required to keep our hospital professionals safe is highly inadequate. We have reports of doctors in Delhi Mohalla Clinics getting infected of coronavirus. No packages have been announced by Modi to the nation to provide our health centres, its workers and professionals (for whom we were clapping) with guidelines, lab equipments, testing facilities for check up system and treatment while disbursing their duties under Essential Services Act 1981 for risking their lives. My dear friends, our hospitals even do not have sufficient numbers of medical kits (only few thousands for 1.3 billion population) to check the cases of coronavirus.

We have not even thought of measures under  the GoI-UNDP Disaster Risk Management Programme for national initiative to reduce vulnerabilities of the pandemic.

What guidelines have been released by the government to the private corporate companies to help fight the disaster situation?

After 3 months Modi woke up out of slumber and came out to speak and announced lockdowns when the condition has already taken a dangerous dimension in the country.

Everyone from educated professionals to gutka chewing poor illiterates need the government to come out with visible action towards waging a war against the demon disease through Disaster Management measures. 

The poor and the illiterate were without any communication through public address systems or help or arrangements from the state as well as the centre to hold the huge exodus of people making their way by foot from Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi to their villages as far as in Rajasthan, UP, Bihar and Assam etc!!!

The government did not bother to apply her mind for the preparedness of the coronavirus outbreak. It was very pathetic to see that the state government and administration made no alternate arrangement such as setting up of tents at the state borders to house the crowd for food, shelter and more importantly to quarantine them. Many of them  were transported in over crowded trucks and buses like animals and while many walked 100s to 1000s of Km to reach their homes by foot. It is of major concern now as to how many of these have contracted fresh coronavirus and infected the deadly disease to others due to their close contacts. It is in the news that the state like UP, Bihar which knew that huge lot of labour crowd is on their way to enter the border the CMs huddled the crowd in congested rooms near border than isolating then in tents.

The nation is still eager to hear from the PM Modi if the government has decided to act (than advise) to provide the essential physical and social infrastructure for our country to successfully tackle the Covid 19 virus and move further from only task force discussion to time bound help measures and aid?


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