The Migrants Without Food, Money and Medical Aid in Lockdown Didn't Ask For More…

Still The inhuman Hinduvadi Bhagats always hailing Jai Sri Ram have no qualms of shame when they scoff at these shutdown miserables. Factories are shut down after the whole country is locked down. 

Thus lockdown displaced lakhs of migrant labours, to be specific 20 lakh in number if Nitin Gadkari's data is to be trusted. I am very sorry to register here my strong objection to insensitive Bhagat's inhuman satircal comments on their plight. Not wrong to draw that these set of malcontent bhagats get encouraged to scoff at the hapless due to  mute response of the government craftily avoiding or may be postponing to help the migrant destitutes with money so as these to be doled out just before assembly elections - yes for buying votes. The whole world media and intellectuals are laughing at India. Simple logic -- had there been election on hand, the very government wouldn't have sit so unconcerned. Rather all political parties (BJP included) would have been competing with each other to  outreach to woo  and lick the blood oozing cracked soles of the varicose feet of migrant labourers.

Rs 5000 crore paltry amount was needed to provide sustenance to 20 lakh migrants and with family say total 30 lakh number to cruse through 90 days of lockdown.

The Expense Break Up
1. CASH : 3000 x 20 lakh = 600 crore
(Rs 1000/- per 30 days)
2. MEALS : Rs 500 crore per 30 days (workers family included) x 3 =
Rs 1500 crore
3. MEDICAL & HEALTH CARE : Rs 900 Crore
4. ACCOMODATION : Rs 1000 Crore
Rs 1100 Crore.
Total Rs 5000/- Crore

In the absence of complete uncertainty the  migrants just wished either to live with if lucky enough to survive or die only among their own. Leaving for 300 to 800 kms away to their Hometown…Yes under these pressing condition they decided to take to the streets in utter confusion created by unpreparedness of the government before clamping complete and sudden lockdown after 4 hours of announcement. They were put to panic.

I am unable to fathom as to how the bhagats could ignore the fact that migrant workers, the backbone of India’s economy, have been left in the lurch since the lockdown began!!!!!!

  • Data as per Labour Bureau of India the nation has an estimated 500 million of total work force. 90% of this accounts for non-agricultural employment. 5 to 10 million new workers get added every year.

Without agricultural labourers there are 450 million informal sector workers from rickshaw pullers, street-side vendors and hawkers to other unorganised workforce. 

The migrant workers are also collection of construction workers, painters, delivery boys, cooks, cleaners and factory workers, among others, who have travelled far to eke out a meagre livelihood, almost always without social protection, healthcare benefits and a minimum, decent standard of living suffered the worst.

These migrant workers have nothing to show off at their native village when they leave their homes out of penury. And who doesn't aspire for better prospects to provide extra to the family even if one has to leave home to spend hard tough life -- 300 to 1000 kms away from home. How the bhagats justify If the well off people among us even leave country for better prospects and special planes are arranged to get us back? 

The inaction on the part of the government and apathetic attitude expressed by bhagats in social media is a slap in the face of the migrant workers and is enough to insult their dignity and honour.

Shame on the government and the bhagats for such treatment to and attitude towards the migrant workers who have built the very homes we live in, deliver our food, cook our meals and clean our laundry, so we may sit in air-conditioned comfort and you bhagats could ridicule these destitute workers!!! It was a slap when the Centre and States passed the buck to each other on train fares for migrant workers for their journey home.

Know ye bhagats, these workers comprise the backbone of our economy.

The way those in power have shown such a studied distance and silence as if to convey that migrant labour are never in place where the question comes for displacement!

Nor the jig or platform workers have social security in unorganized sector!!

There are laws that are supposed to protect the rights of these workers. But laws such as the Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Services) Act, 1979 and the Unorganised Workers’ Social Security Act, 2008 have proved to be an eyewash, offering little protection to this dislocated workforce on the ground.

By some estimates, migrant workers contribute about 10% of the India’s GDP. But at the present juncture the migrant worker, the economic backbone runs the risk of developing severe bone marrow edema, and you know who are to be blamed??? They are our selfish and thankless leaders in the government sitting at the helm of affairs.  



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