The majority of political leaders are street breed. I do not know how the educated ones become bhakts. What do these politicians think? Are we fools? I can bet on any thing that had any politician been in opposition he would have been on the street with his party jokers the same way as Rahul Gandhi today. 

Modi's statement that there was not an inch of Chinese infiltration in Indian territory has been taken by China to say that evenB the PM of India has confirmed China did not enter 2, 3 or 4 km inside Indian territory anywhere as claimed by various sources and face off was just border skirmishes. Modi saab, क्या बोल गये?? बरी कर दिया चीन को। Where our 20 soldiers were martyred? Just keep away for a while from your "friendship" with Chinese President Xi Jinping and your "village connection" since Xuanzang (pronounce as Hyun Sang), famous Chinese traveller who made pilgrimage to your village in India. Please name the location of violent face-off between Indian and Chinese troops in Galwan Valley. Nation wants to know the truth.

You have served reasons on China plate to help defend their denial for entering and capturing indian territories. China will use your statement to establish that China has nowhere entered in Indian territory whereas actually China has build up her strong set up between Finger 8 to Finger 4 in Galwan area. 

Nation is totally confused today. All due to contradictory versions of lies served by all - from Modi and his team.  Let us not ignore and seek ways to cover up and hide the present debacle. 20  soldiers were thrown into the jaws of death. Army still has not been allowed to explain the details of the tragedy. Where is the CDS Gen Rawat? He should be court martialed. Why the army General and CDS Gen Rawat  have been side tracked by the government to brief the nation of reality? All those guilty need to be punished for inaction and hiding facts from the nation. The nation does not know till now as to what exactly happened. 


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