Educationally Bankrupt Are Up Against Intellectuals

There is nothing wrong with the intellectuals. Our hate mongering politicians and sick minds like Pushpendra Kulshrestha supported by the parochial bhagva clerics or the muslim clerics like alims, imams or muftis or maulvis like Maulana Shabbir Ali Asad Warsi of Kolkata supported by leaders like Owaisis, Zakir Naik, and  are always busy in spewing venom and acts of  destroying the fabric of harmony. These are the magots and worms of society. These are the very harmful parasites to eat up and thus destroy the structural health of society. Can Modi or any politician like Rahul Gandhi, Yogi, Mayavati, Akhilesh, Nitish come anywhere nearer to the intellectuals?

What I have been driving hard is that our rulers ever since independence failed to deal with the malady by not taking recourse to law. On the contrary they divided the people on the basis of religion, caste, tribes etc and allowed the communities to spew venom on each other through hate statements, speeches and finally creating an atmosphere of pitting communities against each other to settle scores by themselves through death and rape threats, abuses, mob lynching and riots. We have seen so many communal riots all due to hatred and communal frenzy injected into the minds of 70% illiterate and 20% semi literate who also cannot be called educated. 

So it is not possible to expect respect for the intellectuals from such community and political leaders and ministers with poor educational background, who cannot even produce degrees to show that they graduated from some college or university!!! 

Somewhere it needs to stop. 

Yes our rulers failed to intervene through legal course to nip the communal frenzy, promulgation and hogwash in buds as political will has been severely lacking due to their concentration on creating vote banks for their political parties than bringing strong legislation to deal with the malady. Like it or not, a vengeful attitude has started entering into the psyche of our people that works as a substitute to cover the failures of our rulers and whosoever assumes power prefers status quo. All are promoting hatred, violence even while chanting Mahatma Gandhi. 

What I suggest you please read my previous unbiased blogs on issues that may crumble our democracy due to vested interest of our over ambitious politicians. I have most tiringly reflected on the issues wherein the governments have been either soft due to their willing appeasement to a particular community or inciting communal ire by hate speeches, propaganda and trolling. Today there is no control on the outburst of incendiary communal incitement. It is not the time to take sides than condemning those fanning  communal unrest whosoever. 

We, the 4% educated middle class consists of a tiny collection of intellectuals who have to rise to the occasion and force the government to mend her ways to deal with the communal malady through legal course. We can talk and question only the government we have voted to power for establishing harmony in our secular democracy as enshrined in our constitution. Also, government's silence on issues dangerous to democracy is to be construed as consent for what is unlawful.

The attitude  to blame all due to mistakes of a few has become order of the day because of perennial brainwashing of 

80% who do not have their own mind to distinguish between who is right and who is wrong. Human time bombs are going to be created. No wonder these leaders will face the same fate as that of Nazis who were chased, identified and eliminated by those who realised late but were soon to act on their perpetrators. 

We may not be alive to see the blast of the time bombs but it will if the people at the helm of power do not mend their ways.


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