How Many More Deaths Needed, Mr Modi, to Atone for Your Mistakes???

Even You Have Made Your Bhagats Inhumans Too!!!!

It is sheer heartlessness to draw satisfaction that our inhuman government has been praised for pushing hundreds of thousands into the devastating second COVID wave and to even worse "into the jaws of death". The media reporting the facts are called vultures Modi is also surrounded to deal with. 

Are India's courts also "vultures" that have stepped in to address the government's unpreparedness of handling the crisis? Multiple "vulture" courts all over the country have issued orders in the face of a shortage of oxygen and vital medication!!

The country's "vulturous" judiciary has taken a collective step towards holding national and state governments to account for their woeful response to the COVID pandemic!!!

The Supreme Court intervened to direct Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government to completely audit the system and develop a universal vaccine policy. It also advised the government to come up with a plan of action to ensure more oxygen supply to Delhi. The Delhi High Court said. "We cannot let people die like this."

"We want 700 metric tons of oxygen to be supplied to Delhi on a daily basis," the Supreme Court said. "When the third wave comes, how will you deal with it? What is the plan? Suppose containers are not available, what can be done?" the Court asked.

Just a few days earlier, the Delhi High Court issued a notice of "contempt to the government for defying its order to supply adequate oxygen to more than 40 New Delhi hospitals. If officials were found guilty of defying the order, they could face six months in prison or a fine". Is Indian judiciary a vulture and by such standards the world media and Indian media have become vultures for reporting loss of lives due to criminal negligence????

There is nothing wrong if the media reported that India had a record high of 414,182 new infections and over 3,900 deaths over the past 24 hours. The new figures take the country's total case count to nearly 21.5 million and total recorded fatalities to over 234,000. Does the media become vulturous if their journalists expose the real picture from ground zero of the uncomfortable data deliberately not disclosed by the crafty, incompetent government?

It is cruelly ironic that today we have to witness not only the criminal negligence and unpreparedness of murderous government but also it's heartlessly blind supporters so apathetic for those fellow citizens gasping for breath and dying like flies because of an acute shortage: of hospital beds, drugs, oxygen cylinders, ambulances, hearses, even a place to cremate the dead. As per Murphy's Law "If anything can go wrong, it will." Hence anticipation, preparedness and forward planning are the crux of modern management. 

What kind of bhakti to the heartless government is this inspite of conspicuously established criminal negligence that the bhagats would still not accept, like the government, that the state has collapsed and failed its citizens, denying them of their most fundamental right --- the right to life. 

In Oct, 2020 the government floated a global tender to import a war reserve of 1 lakh tonnes of medical oxygen, sufficient for a month's supply, but then scrapped it. It woke up again in April this year 2021 to float another tender for 50,000 tonnes of oxygen, but damage to hospitals had already been done.

One of the hallmarks of democracy is accountability. There is a moral responsibility for governing well, and if there are failures and mistakes there must be consequences for those responsible. While the national tragedy unfolds before our eyes, no heads have rolled. No one has been held responsible. Is BJP leader and party’s Rajya Sabha MP Subramanian Swamy also a vulture if he says "Modi should delegate the conduct of this Covid war to Gadkari. Relying on PMO is useless!!!!!”

Sorry to say a huge multitude of blind followers of Modi do not keep themselves updated with facts to see through the stupidities of their leaders. The whole world laughed at Modi when he was so elated with overconfidence to have conquered Covid in India only  by lockdown and nationwide self isolation -- medication and vaccination not yet started. On 28th January, 2021 Modi proudly declared to the World Economic Forum, "A country with 18% of the world's population has effectively controlled Corona and saved humanity and the world from great misfortune". In fact he pushed the nation into misfortune. He went into full campaign mode in 5 states going to polls in the next six week. Massive election rallies and religious gatherings were held without a care for Covid protocol.

And the bhagats are still guarding this shameless liar, insensitive to massive Covid infection and deaths!!!! How even the educated bhagats can be so inhuman not to question this death dealer!!!! After deaths in hundreds of thousands fire fighting has just started. 

Lack of vigilance and preparedness made Modi and his chamchas apathetic to suffering millions. Be human Mr Modi, be sensitive, accept failure, visit the hospitals, feel the miseries of those who lost their loved ones. Speak out for those lying outside hospital in this scorching heat. 

Vultures feed on the dead. Those left with little conscience are reporting the horrible state of affairs from ground zero cannot be vultures.

You are still quiet and insensitive as you were for the daily wage labourers who walked 100s of Kilometer to reach their homes facing misery and pain during the last lockdown. You are still behaving like a lord of chaos and misrule pampered equally by your inhuman blind followers. 


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