The Realities of Past 70 Years

 It is a pity that those who question the establishment are branded as minority or supporters of minority and enemy of majority.

Allow me to dare repeat again to draw your experience with the unrealised failures who often try to look for guards after not  owning their responsibility for failing. The guards are nothing but communal comments, tears, lies, complaints, blame tactics to divert the people from facts and thus to gain sympathy to justify their narrative.  These unrepentant liars of politicians create a crowd of bhagats in the name of religion, hyper nationalism for image annihilation of those who now do not exist but their ghost images are still very strong and dominating to be defied by the petty lots now in power. As a result the nation is kept occupied with the past than the misdeeds and the non-performance of the present. Who is running the government? Who should be questioned? After all what is the purpose to build the narrative of past 70 years? These elements go beyond 70 years only by jumping over and bypassing the British period. The reason being they have no contributions to India's freedom movement during this period. They do not have even beyond. But they go beyond British period to glorify Maharana Pratap, Shivaji...etc etc up to the mythic world of holy scriptures just to drive the nation into the maze of illusions and train them to accept things which are unscientific and beyond logic. The unparalleled glory of Ranas, Shivaji and our other brave rulers are our pride and inspiration. Similarly our pious holy books  contain without doubt unmatchable knowledge and wisdom told by use of symbols, allegories and of course through mythical characters but the nation is made to believe the mythic characters as real. Thereby the facts of history and education are diluted very strategically with high dozes of myths, superstition and narrative are built up to cover the shame of their own absence as non existent in India's war for independence. The mythic illusions and references are used as realities to misguide the people and to hide their non existant identity in the glorious myths of our past heritage. 

They want to rewrite history to obliterate the shame of not having participated in freedom movements as they kept themselves busy in communal activities instead. For them reality is a monster. Myth is projected as reality  to hide their infirmities so as to misguide a vast multitude. New names are conjured to rewrite the past. Coward Savarkar has already been hailed as Veer Savarkar. This coward might be bestowed with Bharat Ratna one day posthumously. Hence a troll team is created to publicise government's discriminatory and non-inclusive hindutva agenda .

Hate monger one of the many like Pushpendra Kulshreshtha is let loose on the social media and internet for spewing venom. He has the support of Col. RSN Singh (Ex-RAW Head), Major General GD Bakshi retired Indian Army officer, Ajit Doval, (National Security Advisor) etc, off course, apart from the ruling government. 

These elements talk only of the past and not of the present. They will not place the facts with data about falling financial health of the economy, GDP and industrial growth, hike in oil prices and inflation, demonetization and GST that killed MSMEs and informal industrial sectors, no new schools and colleges, hospitals, no improvement in health sector, rising unemployment, rising atrocities on the poor,  marginalized, daily wage workers, plight of distressed farmers, total collapse of health structure,  more and more government control on Judiciary, CBI, IT, ED, ECI, police and other government regulatory bodies. 

I wonder the people of our nation is so naive to see through the huge earnings of nation in the last 70 years left for the government today to indulge in the luxury of splurging Rs 23,000 crore of making Central Vistas, buying personal plane for the PM and the capacity to spend on any luxury inspite of negative growth rate!!! 

The nation is still financed by the reserves of last 70 years so as to allow the government to write off NPAs worth Rs 9 lakh crore, government's withdrawals from RBI, PUCs and Navratan Cos. How the people believe the liars??? Our daily wagers don't get cash in hand, travels 100s to 1000s Kms hungry, sick and with bleeding feet; many died on way, many ran away by speeding train on railway track and many delivered new borns on scorching highways. 

The country did not achieve anything in past 70 years as the present government wants the nation to believe. Still the country has plenty to splurge --- not on Covid pandemic, health care but of course on Modi Bhawan. That is the priority because it doesn't pinch to splurge money inherited -- that is earned without effort!!!! People are so naive!!!! Bhagats are so blind!!!!

How the people believe the liars??? Now dare you prove me communal or supporter of a particular political party. To be human is not to err. Similarly to question is not to oppose. Be humble to answer than brutally arrogant to ignore and condemn. We are still in democracy. Respect the right to question. 


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