Time To Stand Tall -- Better Take A Stand To Be Human

The nation is in the grip of pandemic, but people are still into Hindu Muslim debate. It is so disheartening. They are still not tired of blaming the past 70 years that allowed the nation to nurse the snakes under it's sleeves. On the contrary, the fact of the matter is we are rather surrounded by snakes today. The corpses are piling up everyday.  Which sleeve snakes are they talking about?

We cannot get out of the house.  We are so terrorized that if something happens to us, there is no guarantee that anyone from the neighborhood will come for help.  All are terrorized.  Come on, even if anyone dares to come for help, there is no guarantee that hospital, bed, medicine or oxygen will be available. The country was kept engaged in temple-mosque debates for 7 years. There was no thought for hospitals, health services, schools, colleges and education.

I can understand that Modi bhakti for people is more intense inspite of his conspicuous failure than for those who suffered the loss of their loved ones and now stand completely shattered.

How can we support this completely collapsed administration when we ourselves cannot stand with people stricken with deadly micro virus?  We are in lockdown and strictly following lockdown protocol.  The administration has made us so helpless that now the corpses are floating in the Ganges.  And more… .. We are threatened not to even question!!!  What a state we are in that the person who is alive is lying, suppressing the uncomfortable data and the corpses in the crematorium and in the Ganges are telling the truth.

In the name of making India a world guru, the fraudsters have done a lot of ruthlessness with the naïve public. Vishwa Guru Bharat has turned into Manikarnika Ghat today, which is being identified by corpses of those done to death without oxygen.

The country diseased with lewd and debauch politics of religion, had a year-long opportunity to gear up the health system and the nation could be prepared for any emergency, but not done.  Looking at the condition of the time, it seems that the government has not made any emergency plan regarding the waves of Covid.  Actually the arrogant and high headed government knows that people opiated on religion will die, yet they will not question the government.  And those like me who ask questions, will be chastised and advised to help governance and administration instead of criticizing them sitting at home.

So, should a sensitive person not be disturbed by the heartbreaking tragedy and agony and pain of suffering multitudes? Should we still do not question the insensitive government and administration?  Being sensitive is humanity.  A sensitive person is neither confused nor confuses anyone, and does not spread rumor nor negativity.  He gathers information based on facts so that he can question the government for its criminal negligence and lack of preparedness.  Let the truth stand out and spread wide through people to reach the government.  What else can be done to wake up the administration and the government much better than this?

But the government is not only blind but also inhumanly dumb.  Leave aside the point of accepting the mistake, so far no reaction in words for the suffering millions that came out as a word of concern towards  such a big national disaster.

Whosoever we are, we are with the troubled victims afflicted with calamity, denied the fundamental right to live. Whatever we are, it is for sure we are not with the perpetrators or the criminals and the murderers sitting at the helm of ruling the nation.  You all know it but will not accept.

Many fraudsters became great under the guise of religion because people stopped thinking and seeing.  My story, my fear is not as important as that of the suffering lots who now stand cheated by the shopkeepers of power in the name of patriotism. The people stand betrayed and are left abandoned -- to die without oxygen.

Where is nationalism?  It is unable to provide ventilators to his people in the hospital. It can't get ambulance services to the patient and the dead. It is a mockery of nationalism that has also ceased it's control over increased price of wood in the crematorium.  People are screaming for their loved ones. The crisis situation in India is due to the arrogance of those who instead of choosing the scientific ways chose fooling the public and the ways the gullible public understand -- cow, dung and urine.  The public is paying the price.  In this condition, the government boast of calling itself the Vishwa Guru!!!  Alas, we are not ashamed of the government.  

We are following the lockdown and many conscious people like me are also raising questions.  You may listen to our appeal to conscience or may not till, god forbid, you may not become the victim this killer virus. Though I am in lockdown, I have left the widows of my consciousness open.  The sensitive ones keep their consciousness free of lockdown - you may agree or may not. Choice is yours. Either go deaf or speak up and try to awake those who chose to be deaf rather than the dead. At least we can try.


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