
Showing posts from July, 2021

पेगासस द्वारा हमारे लोकतंत्र पर हमला

 संकटग्रस्त आर्थिक हालात वाले देश मे विपक्ष और पत्रकारिता पर निगरानी करने की ये पेगासस के हमले की खबर अती भयानक है। यह कहानी चोर दरवाज़े से लोकतंत्र को रौंद कर मिट्टी में मिला देने की है। पेगासस से फोन की जासूसी का सम्बंध केवल जानकारी की चोरी करने की नही है बल्कि किसी निर्दोष को हत्या के इरादे और आतंकवाद के आरोप में फँसा देने का भी है।  वैसे भी एक सही सूचना के बिना एक नागरिक नागरिक नही होता है। दुनिया भर की अखबारों में अपने लोगों की जासूसी कराने बाले देश अगर रवांडा, अज़रबैजान के साथ भारत की वाहवाही छपी है और आप इसे वाहवाही समझते है तो समझ लीजिये।  पेगासस जासूसी कांड के संदर्भ में सबसे बड़ी समझने वाली बात यह है कि इस तरह के software या spyware से खबरें जुटाने वाले sources या सूत्रों से जुड़े लोगों को खतरा तो होता ही है, उससे बड़ा खतरा पत्रकारों के बीच जैसे भय फैलता है उससे जो असर भारतीय लोकतंत्र पर पड़ेगा हमारे लोकतंत्र को और कमज़ोर करेगा। लोकतंत्र में नागरिक की जासूसी! बड़े शर्म की बात है। इससे अविश्वाश गहरा होता है। क्या एक नागरिक को सरकार से सवाल करने पर और एक पत्रकार को एक खबर...

Pegasus Spyware -- Attack on Our Democracy

The news of Pegasus' attack to monitor the opposition, media persons and journalists in a country under troubled economic conditions is terrifying.  This is a sad and shocking story about trampling democracy through the back door of thieves to soil the institution.  The espionage of the phone from Pegasus is not only about stealing information, but also about framing innocents on charges of murder and terrorism.  Anyway, in the absence of correct information and in a country where uncomfortable data are not disclosed to citizens, in such a democracy a citizen is not a citizen.  If India's applause has been printed in newspapers around the world with Rwanda, Azerbaijan, countries that spy on their people and you consider it applause, then let you thrive on the illusion and perish.  The biggest thing to understand in the context of the Pegasus spying case is that such software or spyware poses a threat not only to the people and institutions associated with the so...

Oil Bond Controversy

NDA Government's Claim is Untrue to Blame UPA Era Oil Bonds For Fuel Price Hike Petrol and diesel prices have gone all time high and hit over Rs 100 per litre.  The government is facing clamour from the people to bring the rising price of petrol and diesel down by cutting on high taxes and duties on fuel.  As of now, the petrol and diesel are out of the GST ambit and are wholly under the state and government for the tax levy purpose. If petroleum products are brought under the GST, 28% tax would be collected on them as that is the highest slab in the tax regime. Presently taxes account for 58 per cent of the retail selling price of petrol and 52 per cent of the retail selling price of diesel. 42% of the tax collected goes to the state. The states also add value added tax (VAT). Rajasthan levies the highest VAT on petrol in the country, followed by Madhya Pradesh. That is why the petrol and diesel prices vary from state to state. Dharmendra Pradhan, the Petroleum Minister befor...

Cabinet Re-shuffle 2021

The government seems to have accepted responsibility for lapses, though Cabinet reshuffle has politics at heart. The "unworthy" Ministers are shown the door when they were not allowed to work with freedom to prove themselves; when all draft for actions, statements, agenda, are set by the PMO there is little scope left with the performers to exercise one's freedom to act than work incessantly to build brand Modi by constantly remaining chamchas to keep massaging monumental ego of their supreme master. All legal decisions failed because the stake holders' say and benefits were not taken into account, be it Demonetization or GST or Farm Bill or IT Act or Media Law, economic decisions or new education policy, CBSE exams,  labour laws or industrial laws for the informal sector, petroleum pricing policy, disinvestment policy or handling of COVID-19 pandemic and all. PM Modi visited Poonawala all the way to Pune and not allowed Dr Harshvardhan to do the job he was meant for....

Myth of Fiscal Consolidation

It is disheartening to see a great plethora of shit of hate material is traded through digital and social media to malign the poor who have been offered free ration in the severely hit double waves of Corona pandemic. It is a pity that the poor, the marginalised and the deprived, by whose votes the politicians enjoy the benefits of power and royal facilities, put their lap dogs on them to question their right to food security, clothings and shelter in a welfare state. But there are sensitive lots like us who keep eye over the lap dogs, the shit transporters and couriers to respond after thorough research and analysis to place the facts. I have always been doing so as an enlightened and aware citizen to put the record straight -- this time with new data and additional facts.  India got independence in 1947. Between 1947 till 2014, ie, for 67 years, India’s total national debt was Rs 50 lac crore. Between 2014 till 2020 i.e, in 6 years, India’s additional national debt is Rs 44 lac ...