Cabinet Re-shuffle 2021

The government seems to have accepted responsibility for lapses, though Cabinet reshuffle has politics at heart. The "unworthy" Ministers are shown the door when they were not allowed to work with freedom to prove themselves; when all draft for actions, statements, agenda, are set by the PMO there is little scope left with the performers to exercise one's freedom to act than work incessantly to build brand Modi by constantly remaining chamchas to keep massaging monumental ego of their supreme master. All legal decisions failed because the stake holders' say and benefits were not taken into account, be it Demonetization or GST or Farm Bill or IT Act or Media Law, economic decisions or new education policy, CBSE exams,  labour laws or industrial laws for the informal sector, petroleum pricing policy, disinvestment policy or handling of COVID-19 pandemic and all. PM Modi visited Poonawala all the way to Pune and not allowed Dr Harshvardhan to do the job he was meant for. Modi expected Dr Harshvardhan to give the same supportive statement which Modi gave "we have conquered Covid!!!" There is a lesson for Ministers in these resignations --- if things go right the credit will go to the PM, if things go wrong the Minister will be the fall guy. That is the price a Minister pays for implicit obedience and unquestioning subservience. But the power hungry spineless kicked out ministers will not speak up even now and expose their cheater. Hence, one need not to mistake to view 2.0 cabinet reshuffle is an admission of Modi that he failed to manage. His U-turn again shows now in his thinking that minimum government and maximum governance did not work with 'hard work than Harvard!!!" I would rather go a bit further to say that Modi who has been talking so loud for development now for the last many years he and his party are into promoting their non inclusive ideology. Modi and BJP are not talking about development at all. People need to understand that Modi is into deep trouble. Damage has been done. How far new recruits will be able to contribute their bit for damage control in a short time before 2024 election or even keeping the forthcoming state assembly elections within a year, only the time will tell.                                         


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