Dharmic Budget 2022!!!

India is Passing Through "Amrit Kaal", Hence be Satisfied with  a Dharmic Budget!!!

FM, Nirmala Sitharaman is projected as Goddess Laxmi and hence the budget packings and folders should also have colour representing dharmic feel of Laxmi's bounty to change the future of those millions of poor who are denied work, jobs, food, shelter, education and other social security. What a drama! 

The country has been told nothing about what has been the progress and achievements of the last Budget 2021-22 itemwise. There is no mention of railways and bullet train. O!!! Railways is under sale. So the railway budget has been scrapped. There is no railway budget. 

So is the annual budget also going to be scrapped now??? Today's budget is hardly an annual budget. All proposals and projections are for 25 years. There is nothing for farmers who agitated for a year!!! The whole nation is witness to it. The FM said nothing about her failure of doubling the income of farmers and now her plan to do so to make India a Rs 5 trillion economy!!!!

We are into Amrit Kaal. The FM has no annual plan to put money in your purse to spend, save, invest and earn. The FM has no annual plan for job generation, reviving informal manufacturing and service sectors. The FM has nothing to say about her previously announced annual plan for creating 20 million jobs a year. The FM has nothing to say why the data on job creation was scrapped and how many jobs have been created as per her Ministry's estimate.

So we do not have an annual budget but a 25-year budget. Many of you may not survive to witness the fruits of projections. So enjoy the Amrit Kaal -- a new playway toy item, a shagufa, a jhunjhuna for the culpable gullible. Bhagats and lapdog, polarized media are there to help play this new jhunjhuna for you and the mainstream media is already in the lap of the crafty government to keep the people away from knowing the actual surreptitious jugglery of the government. ये सब सरकार की गोदी में बैठ कर, पैरों में घुंगरू बाँध के मुजरा करने वालों में है। अमृत काल का आनन्द ले। मुजरे का आनन्द ले।


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