Justice Still Awaited For All, Not Only KPs

Let all of us further elaborate the politics of "emotional jerks" and "duty shirks" while reflecting on the heart-rending plight of Kashmiri Pandits (KP). Every government needs to be held responsible for the situation leading to their genocide and exodus. Suggest do read

1. ‘Our Moon has Blood Clots: A Memoir of a Lost Home in Kashmir’ by Rahul Pandita, pub OUP. 

2. 'On Uncertain Ground – Displaced Kashmiri Pandits in Jammu & Kashmir' by Ankur Datta, pub Random House (Penguin).    

My dear friends, what is the government for? To give feeders to make us understand a cock and bull story? That is what they want us to believe that the separatist majority is not allowing the government to rehabilitate the KP??? Does the government have any plan even today, strategy to quell terror, fear of violence, create conducive atmosphere to rehabilitate KPs in their own homeland, repay their financial loses and create an atmosphere to accept Pandits' legitimacy to their homeland? If Article 370 can be removed; if the Valley can be divided into 3 parts for better administration, then why is the rehabilitation issue of KPs lying in a cold storage for the last 3 decades??? Should it be understood that separatists are stronger than the Indian government? See the limits of notoriety to reopen the debate on partition a few months ago -- and now instead of taking up the basic question of rehabilitation of KP and their homecoming, the movie The Kashmir Files is used by the power-to-be to re-explode hate against the entire one community just to divert the nation from their own failures and inaction. Just see the movie Steven Spielberg's Schindler's List. The Nazi atrocities on Jews were also seen by the Germans. But after the change of government no politics are played. If any blame was targeted, it was against the atrocities of Hitler and his Nazi force. In short, listen to the KPs. They are crying after seeing the realities picturised in the movie with the hope that now the government must take the needed action which has not been taken for 3 decades!!!!

Why is it that mass injustice in the face of mass communal crimes has become such an established pattern of state practice in modern India?  Nobody sees this angle. All are only bothered to sensationalise the tears of KP. Nobody is  caring to support their demands for 1. Justice and

2. Exodus due to genocide. 

The country where the majority of the media houses are dead corpses and people divided, government is bound to sit complacent.

मैं पिछले 70 साल या इतिहास से संवाद तब करता हुँ जब मैं databased flashback में आप को ले जाता हूँ क्योंकि वर्तमान के सच को न कोई सुनता हैं और न ही उस पर कोई भरोसा करते हैं। तो अब आप flashback के सच से वर्तमान के झूठ को खुद साबित कर लें।

There are many scars of violence on the bosom of our motherland. 

To begin with, the 1947 partition was also depicted in the movie Tamas. About 15 million people moved or were forced to move, and around half a million to 2 million died in the ensuing violence.

The Nellie killings 1983 took place in central Assam during a six-hour period in the morning of 18 February. The massacre claimed the lives of 2,191 people (unofficial figures run at more than 10,000) from 14 villages.

1984 saw anti-Sikh riots.  The government estimates that about 2,800 Sikhs were killed in Delhi and 3,350 nationwide, whilst independent sources estimate the number of deaths at about 8,000–17,000.

The year 2002 saw the riot in Gujarat – deaths of 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus (recorded by official sources)  and 1,926 to 2,000+ total deaths recorded by other sources.

219 Pandits were killed in Kashmir from 1989 to 2004. Some 90,000–100,000 Pandits of a total population of 120,000–140,000 felt compelled to leave their homeland.

तो भाई एक मरे या 1000, मौत तो मौत ही है। घाव तो घाव ही है। एक हादसे पर तांडव करके बाकियों को नज़रंदाज़ नही करना चाहिए। ऐसे तो दोनों घावों के बीच एक और नफरती फासला बनाया जा रहा है ताकि समय समय पर कलुषित राजनीतिक मंशा ऐसी दुखद परिस्थिति का दोहन कर सके। यह तो मानना ही पड़ेगा कि आज "द कश्मीर फाइल्स" के प्रदर्शन द्वारा बहुत स्पष्ट तरीके से भरोसे का सूचकांक कश्मीर पर जाकर खत्म हुआ है। और यह एक बड़ी चिंता का भी विषय है। अगर सत्तानशीन भी कहते हैं कि यह उनकी भी चिंता का विषय है, तो यह भी सच है कि उनकी चिंता की लकीरें उनके माथे की शिकन बन कर नही घूम रही है। हत्याएं, लूट-लपेट, अमानवीय घिनोनी हरकते, तोड़-फोड़, आगजनी पहले सभी दंगों में हुए हैं। कश्मीर कोई एक अलग मसला नही है। क्या उन घटनाओं पर कभी कोई चिंतन या त्राहिमाम हुआ?


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