Exploiting The Poor & Unemployed

Exploiting The Poor & Unemployed

The bhagats have no mind to understand as to why I question the government. Why should a citizen in a democracy not speak and point out the unacceptable acts of the government? Why should the government not be given a loose rope to sit complacent? An insensitive citizen in a democracy is a dead citizen. It is expected as to what a conscious citizen like me is doing should promptly be done by the media. But we have a scared media. A scared media produces dead citizens and heartless bhagats. The bhagats ask me if not this government then who. So they mean that the government should not be questioned. Mass dissent is itself a solution to force the government to respond to the voice of national debate. On the contrary the police, agencies and a huge crowd of unemployed wastrels are let loose on those who still have the courage to speak. That is why more than 80 crore uneducated or little educated are kept deliberately poor and unemployed to use them as criminal goons to further their act of selective intimidation and run communal agenda in exchange of a paltry pittance and a few kilos of free ration. 

Poverty, lack of education and unemployment are some of the major tools to create huge force of communally charged fanatics who are encouraged into and used for vandalism, rape, murder, lynching and target killings. They are the multitude of majority community that enjoy the unwritten privilege of immunity from any legal action.

The well-to-do and manageably settled blind bhagats and BJP politicians who stand by these multitudes of criminals send their own children to the best of Indian or foreign schools and universities for career building and keep them away from criminal multitudes. They never send their children to be the part of lathy, sword, trishul bhala, pistol wielding criminal vandals donning saffron cap and gamchha or muffler. 

I challenge the bloody bhagats to show your guts to prove me wrong by acknowledging as to how many of your children were sent to join the criminal processions to vandalize and damage places of worship, indulge in riots with lathis, swords, trishul bhalas and pistols? How many of you have encouraged your children to be self styled social vigilantes and lynch people on suspicions? 

You will not, bloody ill intentioned fanatic parasites of society! This is not the department for your children. This job has been assigned to the ignorant poor, uneducated and unemployed who are at the moment unable to understand the conspiracy of being used, abused and misused with a few hundred rupees and 5kg free ration. They are unable to understand the demonic intentions of the diseased mind of bhagats who cheer their criminal activities but keep their children away from such crimes.

I wouldn't have been so harsh with the bloody pseudo desh bhakts who have no education other than to forward troll material to cheer the fanatics and protect their own children from joining criminals with frenzied war cries in the name of religion.


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