Rotten System Produces Dead Citizens
Rotten System Produces Dead Citizens
People in India talk about remarkable progress and development in Singapore. Do they know that Singapore is a "democratic secular state"? Singapore's secularism is similar to France's secularism in that both models seek to "protect the state from religion". Till the 70s and 80s of the last century Singapore was suffering from corruption, bad economy, poverty and misgovernance. It was Lee Kuan Yew, lawyer, politician, statesman, 1st Prime Minister and the man who founded modern-day Singapore. It was the people of singapore who chose such a highly educated leader to steer their country to exceptional progress and development. Their sense of justice has never been one sided selective indictment and politically motivated to poison the unity of the nation. Law of the country, unlike in India, is not only respected but also allowed to work without any agency threats, biases and pre and post retirement temptations to the judges by their government.
Be not so romantic about Singapore and blind towards Indian politicians thriving on grabbing opportunities for themselves still today ever since independence. The nation voted BJP to power to build a corruption free nation. On the contrary we have seen, and still see the corrupt practices of nepotism and dynasticism in all departments of administration and politics in India.
The BJP’s attempt to remake India has seen political discourse become increasingly polarized through controlled media, while economic growth has slowed. It has also eroded trust in India’s institutions and in basic democratic foundations like the rule of law. The judiciary and government administrators and even agencies are under threats from the agency raids.
Ever since assuming power the BJP has been preoccupied with pursuing the agenda of polarization. Our democracy is under attack from within. So called Hindu nationalists as fanatics are not concerned about other religions which originated in India, such as Sikhism and Jainism or Buddhism, but its attitude to religions which originated elsewhere, notably Islam and Christianity, is more hostile. The BJP argues that other parties have privileged the minority (Muslim) population, and that it is leveling up the status of Hindus. It is all nonsense, unsecular and unconstitutional. Leveling has to be done by law of the land rather than spreading hate through the party's troll outfits, violence by communally charged hindu organizations, sena vahinis and fanatic propaganda.
Corruption has gone so deep that trust in the law is undermined by India’s dysfunctional legal system, which leaves many languishing in detention before trial for ‘crimes’ including peaceful protest. Meanwhile Amnesty International reports numerous uses of excessive force by India’s police and security forces.
Today questioning the government is not without risk. Fascist retaliative selective actions by agencies like CBI, ED, IT, police and other agency raids are conducted with false cases against those who dare raise the issue of poverty, education, unemployment, inflation, healthcare, atrocities on women and caste and communal violence. The BJP is itself harbouring and inviting criminals to provide shelter to law breakers and economic offenders. They are using the agencies to threaten the legislators to topple the democratically elected state governments. Money is also one of the major factors to dislodge democratically elected state government. The BJP is not short of funds as it is hugely funded by anonymous corporate entities.
But the bhagats are in the spell of opium as they do not see the government hand-in-gloves with big business houses funding BJP with huge money. There are no official records of the donors buying electoral bonds. The bhagats do not see why all businesses go to only a few selective corporate houses and sometimes even to sick and new companies having no experience or expertise of the business awarded to them. The bhagats do not see that no business house would invest in a ruling political party without it's own vested interest. Morbi bridge collapse tragedy in the state of Gujarat is a classic example. What more will be needed to awaken the conscience of the heartless bhagats when even horrible pictures of dead and news confirming 55 children among 135 killed could not move these stone hearted. Jaisukh Patel the owner of Oreva, the watch making company was contracted to repair the Morbi bridge. Neither an FIR has been registered against Jaisukh Patel nor he has been made one of the prime accused for this gruesome murder. Yes, it was not the case of an accident but an act of heartless murder. The "godi" media lacked the courage to do investigative ground reporting and question the government as they know what the agencies are capable of. The media do not dare to invite fear of agency raids or losing government advertisements which finance their media houses.
Had the same happened in any non-BJP ruled state, 'Godi' media, BJP leaders and their troll team would have blasted the sky to such an extent that they would have created a ruckus by the use of all possible filthy language. Till now many of the agencies like CBI, Police, ED, IT would have pressed to conduct raids and searches against many, FIRs would have been registered and many houses bulldozed!!! Bhagats would be put to go busy in forwarding, reforwading and forward many times forwarded trolls like party handlers. Yes, today bhagats are party handlers.
The government lacks political will to reform the nation with their clean conscience. The government is more busy struggling with the narrative of Gazani, the Mughal, the British and the Congress rule of post independent India.
But the government herself do not allow herself to be accountable. There is no CAG audit and accountability of PMCare. Why PMCare when we already have the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund (PMNRF)? The nation is pushed into wailing over the past 70 years, Nehru and the Congress to divert it from important issues of poverty, education, unemployment, inflation, healthcare, atrocities on women and caste and communal violence the country is afflicted with.
The fact remains we prefer to remain blind to BJP's open and shameless indulgence in even worse practices of encouraging wholesale corruption. This is the reality of our ailing democracy which most likely to go worse if people do not realise, rise and save it. People will only help bring a change. Sooner the better – to make the nation even worthier than Singapore. At the moment India is still into a situation Singapore was till almost the last 4-5 decades of 20th century. India needs rightly educated citizens to put brilliant educated leaders at the helm of affairs to steer us out of the scum we are in to a democratic environment free of partiality, fear and intimidation.
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