Modi Government Has Suppressed Uncomfortable Data
Will the government determine how the data should look like? That has what happened in Modi's so called over publicized claim for making corruption free India. PC Mohanan, Vice Chairman and JV Meenakshi, Member of the National Statistical Commission (NSC), resigned from their posts in January this year 2019 as they felt “the commission was being bypassed on several issues” by the government. Mr Mohanan said the panel had finalised the National Sample Survey Office report linked to jobs in December 2018 which was not being released by the government. Government sources said there was a move to wait for data for two more quarters before releasing the report. The two NSC members had also said they were not consulted when the Central Statistics Office released the back series data for GDP. It is also hard to consider the 2015 Central Statistics Office (CSO) data dependable as revised economic output numbers for past years, changing the base year and showing significantly faster ...