The Realities of Past 70 Years
It is a pity that those who question the establishment are branded as minority or supporters of minority and enemy of majority. Allow me to dare repeat again to draw your experience with the unrealised failures who often try to look for guards after not owning their responsibility for failing. The guards are nothing but communal comments, tears, lies, complaints, blame tactics to divert the people from facts and thus to gain sympathy to justify their narrative. These unrepentant liars of politicians create a crowd of bhagats in the name of religion, hyper nationalism for image annihilation of those who now do not exist but their ghost images are still very strong and dominating to be defied by the petty lots now in power. As a result the nation is kept occupied with the past than the misdeeds and the non-performance of the present. Who is running the government? Who should be questioned? After all what is the purpose to build the narrative of past 70 years? These elem...