
Showing posts from May, 2021

The Realities of Past 70 Years

  It is a pity that those who question the establishment are branded as minority or supporters of minority and enemy of majority. Allow me to dare repeat again to draw your experience with the unrealised failures who often try to look for guards after not  owning their responsibility for failing. The guards are nothing but communal comments, tears, lies, complaints, blame tactics to divert the people from facts and thus to gain sympathy to justify their narrative.  These unrepentant liars of politicians create a crowd of bhagats in the name of religion, hyper nationalism for image annihilation of those who now do not exist but their ghost images are still very strong and dominating to be defied by the petty lots now in power. As a result the nation is kept occupied with the past than the misdeeds and the non-performance of the present. Who is running the government? Who should be questioned? After all what is the purpose to build the narrative of past 70 years? These elem...

Hamas Ground Reality

I have the good fortune to have travelled West Asia during 1994 to 1998. Once in 1996, I travelled to Jordan on my business trip to Amman. I happened to be at Jordanian port Aqaba in the Red Sea to settle a dispute with a liner. The Dead Sea was not very far from there. I spent a day at Dead Sea on Amman Beach. On my way through the Jordan river I was shown by my local friend Mohammad Hajdeeb far across the west of the river a range of Mount Nebo and the Biblical cities -- Jericho, a Palestinian city in the West Bank and Jerusalem claimed by Israel and Palestine both. I decided to visit these cities on my next visit to Jordan or Syria and make my way to Jericho, Jerusalem, Sheikh Jarrah, Ramallah and Bethlehem etc via Israel. There is still no airport for the civilians in Palestine which consists of two territories, the West Bank and the Gaza strip. Palestinian borders are controlled by Israel. Therefore a Palestinian visa doesn’t exist. One has to have Israeli visa to take permission ...

Time To Stand Tall -- Better Take A Stand To Be Human

The nation is in the grip of pandemic, but people are still into Hindu Muslim debate. It is so disheartening. They are still not tired of blaming the past 70 years that allowed the nation to nurse the snakes under it's sleeves. On the contrary, the fact of the matter is we are rather surrounded by snakes today. The corpses are piling up everyday.  Which sleeve snakes are they talking about? We cannot get out of the house.  We are so terrorized that if something happens to us, there is no guarantee that anyone from the neighborhood will come for help.  All are terrorized.  Come on, even if anyone dares to come for help, there is no guarantee that hospital, bed, medicine or oxygen will be available. The country was kept engaged in temple-mosque debates for 7 years. There was no thought for hospitals, health services, schools, colleges and education. I can understand that Modi bhakti for people is more intense inspite of his conspicuous failure than for those who suffer...

उठिए, जगाये और पूछिये -- मौतों का जिम्मेदार कौन

आज हम सरे आम सांपों से घिरे हैं। लाशों के ढेर लग गए। किस आस्तीन के सांपों की बात कर रहे हैं? सांप तो आस्तीन से बाहर आ गए हैं। सरे आम डस भी रहे हैं। और हमे पिछले 70 साल की अफीम की चटनी को विषहर औषध (antidote) की तरह चटा-चटा कर हमें यह समझाया जा रहा है कि जो काम पिछले 70 सालों में नहीं हुआ वह अब हो रहा है। जी हाँ, मौत के सौदागरों को तो हम देख ही रहे हैं। घर से तो हम निकल नहीं सकते। इतने आतंकित हैं कि अपने को कुछ हो गया तो कोई गारंटी नही अड़ोस-पड़ोस से भी कोई मदद के लिए आएगा। सब आतंकित हैं। चलो यदि कोई आ भी गया तो अस्पताल, बेड, दवाई या ऑक्सीजन मिलेगी भी कि नहीं उसकी भी गारंटी नही। मंदिर मस्जिद में देश को इतना उलझा दिया की 7 सालों में अस्पताल, स्वास्थ्य सेवाएं, स्कूल, कॉलेज व शिक्षा के बारे में सोचा ही नही। मैं समझ सकता हूँ कि मोदी के दीवानों को मेरी प्रतिक्रया मोदी के वजह से उन लाखों लोगों के अपनों को खोने और उनके घर उजड़ने से ज्यादा अब भी मोदी का विरोध खटक रहा है।  हम किस तरह से इस पूरी तरह से ध्वस्त प्रशासन का साथ दें जब खुद हम त्रस्त लोगों के पास खड़े नही हो सकते? lockdown में हैं और l...

How Many More Deaths Needed, Mr Modi, to Atone for Your Mistakes???

Even You Have Made Your Bhagats Inhumans Too!!!! It is sheer heartlessness to draw satisfaction that our inhuman government has been praised for pushing hundreds of thousands into the devastating second COVID wave and to even worse "into the jaws of death". The media reporting the facts are called vultures Modi is also surrounded to deal with.  Are India's courts  also "vultures" that have stepped in to address the government's unpreparedness of handling the crisis? Multiple "vulture" courts all over the country have issued orders in the face of a shortage of oxygen and vital medication!! The country's "vulturous" judiciary has taken a collective step towards holding national and state governments to account for their woeful response to the COVID pandemic!!! The Supreme Court intervened to direct Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government to completely audit the system and develop a universal vaccine policy. It also advised the gov...

Queen of Kalighat, Recaptured the Nation's Heart

Election Commission in West Bengal Assembly election has constantly been in question and the attack has become all the more sharper after vote counting at Nandigram that denied victory of Mamata as TMC contestant. However this bit of jerk is needed for Mamata for self introspection so as not to repeat those mistakes which fanned the anger of the voters for a near anti incumbency. Voters seem to have forgiven her by the time of polling because of her by and large clean personal image. Now Mamata has god given golden opportunity to utilize her 3rd term for rectify her shortcomings as follows..... 1. She should keep alert eyes on the corrupt elements in the party and disassociate herself from them. People want to see her capable of dealing with the corrupt elements in the party. 2. There is much anger at the party workers level. Mamata needs to address the genuine grievances of her foot soldiers. 3. Mamata needs to work seriously to re-establish and strengthen the trust among the b...